Para quem ainda não está familiarizado, sugiro a leitura destas 4 postagens para compreender a importância de basear as condutas em alto nível de evidência:
- O que é uma referência bibliográfica aceitável? 1 – Peer Review
- O que é uma referência bibliográfica aceitável? 2 – Alguns estudos são mais importantes
- O que é uma referência bibliográfica aceitável? 3 – Estudos epidemiológicos ajudam – quando mostram o contrário
- O que é uma referência bibliográfica aceitável? 4 – Estudo em animais
A Public Health Collaboration, uma organização sem fins lucrativos do Reino Unido dedicada a divulgar dados científicos sobre alimentação, e que já fez um relatório que deu o que falar na Inglaterra em maio passado (veja aqui), compilou agora todos os ensaios clínicos randomizados nos quais low carb foi comparado com low fat. Quando eu afirmo que a preponderância da literatura favorece low carb, eis as evidências:
- São 54 ensaios clínicos randomizados ao todo
- Dentre estes 54, em 47 deles low carb produziu perda de peso maior, em 2 deles foi igual, e em 5 low fat foi melhor.
- A perda de peso com low carb foi maior COM SIGNIFICÂNCIA ESTATÍSTICA em 27 dos 54 estudos
- Não houve perda de peso maior com low fat, com significância estatística, em NENHUM dos estudos
Com vocês, a totalidade da evidência:
Tabela de ensaios clínicos randomizados comparando dietas de baixo carboidrato (com menos de 130g de carboidratos por dia) com dietas de baixa gordura (com menos de 35% de gorduras ao dia):
Tim e Fr am e Low Car b (LC) Low Fat (LF) Subje cts
& Re fe re nce We ight Los s We ight Los s (LC v LF) | |||
6 Months [1] |
8.5k g* |
3.9kg |
22 v 20 |
12 Months [2] |
4.3k g |
2.5kg |
20 v 17 |
6 Months [3] |
5.8k g* |
1.9kg |
43 v 36 |
12 Weeks [4] |
9.9k g* |
4.1kg |
16 v 14 |
12 Weeks [5] |
6.2k g* |
3.4kg |
22 v 23 |
24 Weeks [6] |
12.7k g* |
7.2kg |
46 v 34 |
30–50 Days [7] |
5.5k g* |
3.5kg |
28 v 28 |
10 Weeks [8] |
7.0k g |
6.8kg |
15 v 16 |
6 Weeks [9] |
6.2k g |
6.0kg |
16 v 16 |
6 Weeks [10] |
6.4k g* |
4.2kg |
12 v 11 |
3 Months [11] |
3.55k g* |
0.92kg |
40 v 39 |
12 Weeks [12] |
6.3k g |
5.3kg |
49 v 47 |
12 Months [13] |
4.7k g* |
2.2kg |
68 v 61 |
8 Weeks [14] |
7.8k g* |
6.4kg |
48 v 45 |
3 Months [15] |
6.9k g* |
2.1kg |
10 v 10 |
24 Weeks [16] |
11.1k g* |
6.9kg |
21 v 29 |
2 Y ears [17] |
5.5k g* |
3.3kg |
83 v 94 |
8 Weeks [18] |
7.5k g* |
6.2kg |
52 v 47 |
24 Weeks [19] |
11.9k g |
10.1kg |
45 v 43 |
12 Weeks [20] |
10.1k g* |
5.2kg |
20 v 20 |
12 Months [21] |
14.5k g |
11.5kg |
33 v 36 |
13 Weeks [22] |
13.2k g* |
7.3kg |
18 v 15 |
24 Months [23] |
3.6k g |
3.1kg |
31 v 30 |
3 Months [24] |
5.5k g* |
2.6kg |
15 v 18 |
12 Months [25] |
5.6k g* |
1.4kg |
59 v 60 |
4 Months [26] |
9.79k g* |
6.14kg |
20 v 20 |
8 Weeks [27] |
8.4k g* |
6.7kg |
32 v 28 |
12 Months [28] |
3.1k g |
3.1k g |
47 v 49 |
2 Y ears [29] |
6.34kg |
7.37k g |
154 v 153 |
24 Months [30] |
1.5k g |
0.2kg |
28 v 40 |
12 Weeks [31] |
6.8k g |
5.2kg |
18 v 15 |
12 Weeks [32] |
8.0k g* |
6.4kg |
24 v 21 |
1 Y ear [33] |
13.7k g |
13.7k g |
55 v 51 |
1 Y ear [34] |
5.1k g |
3.1kg |
62 v 64 |
48 Weeks [35] |
11.37k g |
9.62kg |
57 v 65 |
3 Months [36] |
5.0k g |
3.7kg |
63 v 66 |
24 Weeks [37] |
12.0k g |
11.5kg |
46 v 47 |
6 Months [38] |
6.0k g |
5.9kg |
57 v 174 |
1 Y ear [39] |
2.1kg |
3.0k g |
40 v 40 |
6 Weeks [40] |
6.1k g* |
3.9kg |
15 v 15 |
24 Weeks [41] |
7.1k g* |
4.7kg |
28 v 30 |
3 Months [42] |
7.6k g* |
4.3kg |
22 v 19 |
6 Months [43] |
4.3k g |
4.0kg |
29 v 30 |
6 Months [44] |
2.6k g |
1.4kg |
12 v 12 |
8 Weeks [45] |
7.4k g |
6.5kg |
12 v 12 |
6 Months [46] |
6.8k g |
5.6kg |
53 v 57 |
3 Months [47] |
3.4kg |
4.1k g |
150 v 150 |
12 Months [48] |
11.8k g* |
6.9kg |
55 v 55 |
1 Y ear [49] |
2.9kg |
3.7k g |
30 v 30 |
6 Months [50] |
8.5k g* |
3.5kg |
43 v 35 |
52 Weeks [51] |
9.8kg |
10.1k g |
41 v 37 |
6 Months [52] |
9.1k g |
8.9kg |
25 v 24 |
6 Months [53] |
8.0k g |
5.7kg |
21 v 17 |
6 Months [54] |
1.6k g* |
0.6kg |
30 v 32 |
Totals : |
27/54 Ar e Sig. > |
0/54 Ar e Sig. > |
2101 v 2197 |
47/54 Are > LF |
5/54 Are > LC | ||
(2 Ar e Equal) |
[1] A Randomized Trial Comparing a Very Low Carbohydrate Diet and a Calorie–Restricted Low Fat Diet on Body Weight and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Healthy Women. Brehm et al.–021480
[2] A Randomized Trial of a Low–Carbohydrate Diet for Obesity. Foster et al.
[3] A Low–Carbohydrate as Compared with a Low–Fat Diet in Severe Obesity. Samaha et al.
[4] Effects of a low–carbohydrate diet on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factor in overweight adolescents. Sondike et al.
[5] The National Cholesterol Education Program Diet vs a Diet Lower in Carbohydrates and Higher in Protein and Monounsaturated Fat A Randomized Trial. Aude et al. articleid=217514
[6] A Low–Carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diet versus a Low–Fat Diet To Treat Obesity and Hyperlipidemia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Yancy et al.
[7] Comparison of energy–restricted very low–carbohydrate and low–fat diets on weight loss and body composition in overweight men and women. Volek et al.
[8] Comparison of a Low–Fat Diet to a Low–Carbohydrate Diet on Weight Loss, Body Composition, and Risk Factors for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Free-Living, Overweight Men and Women.Meckling et al.
[9] Lack of suppression of circulating free fatty acids and hypercholesterolemia during weight loss on a high– fat, low–carbohydrate diet. Hernandez et al.
[10] Perceived Hunger Is Lower and Weight Loss Is Greater in Overweight Premenopausal Women Consuming a Low–Carbohydrate/High-Protein vs High–Carbohydrate/Low–Fat Diet. Nickols–Richardson et al.
[11] Short–term effects of severe dietary carbohydrate-restriction advice in Type 2 diabetes—a randomized controlled trial. Daly et al.–5491.2005.01760.x/abstract
[12] Separate effects of reduced carbohydrate intake and weight loss on atherogenic dyslipidemia. Krauss et al.
[13] Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish, and LEARN Diets for Change in Weight and Related Risk Factors Among Overweight Premenopausal Women The A TO Z Weight Loss Study: A RandomizedTrial. Gardner et al.
[14] Low– and high-carbohydrate weight–loss diets have similar effects on mood but not cognitive performance. Halyburton et al.
[15] A low–carbohydrate diet is more effective in reducing body weight than healthy eating in both diabetic and non–diabetic subjects. Dyson et al.–
[16] The effect of a low–carbohydrate, ketogenic diet versus a low-glycemic index diet on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Westman et al.
[17] Weight Loss with a Low–Carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or Low–Fat Diet. Shai et al.
[18] Effects of weight loss from a very–low–carbohydrate diet on endothelial function and markers of cardiovascular disease risk in subjects with abdominal obesity. Keogh et al.
[19] Metabolic Effects of Weight Loss on a Very-Low–Carbohydrate Diet Compared With an Isocaloric High– Carbohydrate Diet in Abdominally Obese Subjects. Tay et al.
[20] Carbohydrate Restriction has a More Favorable Impact on the Metabolic Syndrome than a Low Fat Diet. Volek et al.–008–3274–2
[21] Long–term effects of a very–low–carbohydrate weight loss diet compared with an isocaloric low–fat diet after 12 mo. Brinkworth et al.
[22] Efficacy and Safety of a High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diet for Weight Loss in Severely Obese
Adolescents. Krebs et al.
[23] In type 2 diabetes, randomisation to advice to follow a low–carbohydrate diet transiently improves glycaemic control compared with advice to follow a low–fat diet producing a similar weight loss. Guldbrandet al.–2567-4/fulltext.html
[24] A Randomized Pilot Trial of a Moderate Carbohydrate Diet Compared to a Very Low Carbohydrate Diet in Overweight or Obese Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus or Prediabetes. Saslow et al.
[25] Effects of Low–Carbohydrate and Low–Fat Diets: A Randomized Trial. Bazzano et al.
[26] The Role of Energy Expenditure in the Differential Weight Loss in Obese Women on Low–Fat and Low- Carbohydrate Diets. Brehm et al.
[27] Effects of a Low Carbohydrate Weight Loss Diet on Exercise Capacity and Tolerance in Obese Subjects. Brinkworth et al.
[28] Comparative Study of the Effects of a 1–Year Dietary Intervention of a Low–Carbohydrate Diet Versus a Low–Fat Diet on Weight and Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes. Davis et al.
[29] Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After 2 Years on a Low–Carbohydrate Versus Low–Fat Diet: A Randomized Trial. Foster et al.
[30] Effects of a Low–intensity Intervention That Prescribed a Low–carbohydrate vs. a Low–fat Diet in Obese, Diabetic Participants. Iqbal et al.
[31] Consuming a hypocaloric high fat low carbohydrate diet for 12 weeks lowers C-reactive protein, and raises serum adiponectin and high density lipoprotein–cholesterol in obese subjects. Ruth et al.–0495(13)00223-0/abstract
[32] Comparison of isocaloric very low carbohydrate/high saturated fat and high carbohydrate/low saturated fat diets on body composition and cardiovascular risk. Noakes et al.
[33] Long–term Effects of a Very Low–Carbohydrate Diet and a Low–Fat Diet on Mood and Cognitive
Function. Brinkworth et al.
[34] The effects of low–carbohydrate versus conventional weight loss diets in severely obese adults: one–year follow–up of a randomized trial. Stern et al.
[35] A Randomized Trial of a Low–Carbohydrate Diet vs Orlistat Plus a Low–Fat Diet for Weight Loss. Yancy et al. 2010.
[36] A randomized controlled trial of low carbohydrate and low fat/high fiber diets for weight loss. Baron et al.
[37] A very low–carbohydrate, low–saturated fat diet for type 2 diabetes management: a randomized trial. Tay et al.
[38] Randomised controlled trial of four commercial weight loss programmes in the UK: initial findings from the BBC “diet trials”. Truby et al.
[39] Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone Diets for Weight Loss and Heart Disease Risk Reduction:A Randomized Trial. Dansinger et al. articleid=200094
[40] Very Low–Carbohydrate and Low–Fat Diets Affect Fasting Lipids and Postprandial Lipemia Differently in
Overweight Men. Sharman et al.
[41] Comparison of high–fat and high–protein diets with a high-carbohydrate diet in insulin-resistant obese women. McAuley et al.–1603-4/fulltext.html
[42] Diet–Induced Weight Loss Is Associated with Decreases in Plasma Serum Amyloid A and C–Reactive Protein Independent of Dietary Macronutrient Composition in Obese Subjects. O‘Brien et al.
[43] Advice to follow a low–carbohydrate diet has a favourable impact on low–grade inflammation in type 2 diabetes compared with advice to follow a low–fat diet. Jonasson et al.
[44] A non–calorie-restricted low–carbohydrate diet is effective as an alternative therapy for patients with type
2 diabetes. Yamada et al.
[45] Low–Fat Versus Low–Carbohydrate Weight Reduction Diets Effects on Weight Loss, Insulin Resistance, and Cardiovascular Risk: A Randomized Control Trial. Bradley et al.
[46] Weight loss with high and low carbohydrate 1200 kcal diets in free living women. Lean et al.
[47] Evaluation of weight loss and adipocytokines levels after two hypocaloric diets with different macronutrient distribution in obese subjects with rs9939609 gene variant. De Luis et al.
[48] Enhanced weight loss with protein–enriched meal replacements in subjects with the metabolic syndrome. Flechtner–Mors et al.
[49] Long–term effects of a low carbohydrate, low fat or high unsaturated fat diet compared to a no– intervention control. Lim et al. http://www.nmcd––4753(09)00124-0/abstract
[50] A randomized study comparing the effects of a low–carbohydrate diet and a conventional diet on lipoprotein subfractions and C–reactive protein levels in patients with severe obesity. Seshadri et al.–4/abstract
[51] Comparison of low- and high–carbohydrate diets for type 2 diabetes management: a randomized trial. Tay et al.
[52] Weight loss on low–fat vs. low–carbohydrate diets by insulin resistance status among overweight adults and adults with obesity: A randomized pilot trial. Gardner et al.
[53] Metabolic impact of a ketogenic diet compared to a hypocaloric diet in obese children and adolescents. Partsalaki et al.
[54] A randomized controlled trial of 130 g/day low–carbohydrate diet in type 2 diabetes with poor glycemic control. Sato et al.–5614(16)30169-8/pdf